Hello there this is just a quick posts on some thoughts I've been having recently and its not the type of thing I usually write about. Just wanted to let you know, also I should be back to what I normally post after this but please let me know if you'd like me to write more of these types of posts in the comments.
I recently saw this letter (which was sent to the Times magazine by Jenni Heard) on Tumblr and it really made me think. This really sums up how I feel about a lot of things and I remember even from a young age being horrified by the things that humans have done to each other. Back then when I was little, and even now when I am older I still struggle to understand why people want to hurt and kill and cause so much pain to one another.
Also the world is a pretty scary place especially to young people who have to grow up seeing all the horrors of the world like disease, war, death, poverty.. etc, and are then expected to be enthusiastic and motivated to go into the world and do something with themselves, I just find it quite ridiculous that there is a certain way adults expect us to be in-spite of what we have experienced growing up and probably knowing there is a good chance we could end up unemployed. Its really terrifying and instead of adults trying to understand why we act in the ways we do they should instead respect us and try to help us to do what we need to to get on with our lives.
Anyway these are just some of my ramblings on the subject but I am really interested in hearing what other people have to say so please feel free to comment and share your thoughts I'd love to hear them. Well that's all for now, Bye xx
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