Before I start I just wanted to say I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year's :).
So now that we are two weeks into 2015 and I have begun the stressful process of prelims and have re-joined the real people (I couldn't go back to school last week as I was ill and my school was shut due to bad weather conditions) I have managed to summon some productivity to write a post for you lovely folks. This is also partly thanks to the current snowy weather where as I live, which has filled me with a childish joy and I cannot sleep when there is such a beautiful thing happening right outside my window. I love watching snow so much, its magical.
So now that it is a new year I have decided not to make resolutions but to try and follow some simple guidelines to hopefully make myself happier this year. So I have decided to share them and hopefully update you every now and again on how they’re going.
1- Be Healthier. This involves exercising more often and on a regular basis as in the past I have exercised in either a very few amount of ties or far too often which is not a good idea. This also means trying to eat healthier which was on my list of resolutions last year and I believe I accomplished this by also becoming vegetarian which has been gong quite well and has changed my (what was quite bad) relationship with food for the better. But although this has improved i still eat quite a lot of junk food which I'm gong to try and cut out and also to eat some more healthy foods.
2- Work Harder. This relates to school and revision, actual school work and homework. Also to things like my blog, as I feel bad whenever I don’t update. Hopefully this year I can change myself to become better at revision and going over what I've done in school so that I can do better for when my proper exams arrive in April.
3- Be Organized. This has to do with most aspects of my life as I am quite an unorganized person. This would involve being tidy (especially in my bedroom after all, tidy rooms=tidy minds and all) having all my school things organised beforehand and not panicking because I forgot about them, organizing being ready for other things in time for example if I’m going out with my friends to be ready and meet them when we planned to and getting places on time.
4- Be Happier and Don’t Take Crap From People. Last year was not very good on the happiness front for me, my parents split up at the end of 2013 and which was pretty upsetting and then I went on to have a lot of problems regarding the way I was feeling about myself and problems I was struggling with. So I’m going to try and make it so this year I can be happier and more confident about myself. The Don’t Take Crap part of this comes from some pretty upsetting stuff that happened regarding friends etc... that really hurt me and I’m not going to let people do stuff like that to me anymore, also because I’m a person who is not confident at all in social situations when people who I don’t know very well speak to me (normally if they were making some sort of rude comment) I often don’t reply and feel horrible and it knocks my confidence quite a bit so hopefully I will be able to get past that.
So there are some of the things I’m going to try and do this year and I hope that whatever you are trying to do this year is going well and I would love to hear about it so please feel free to comment. I’ll see y’all later.
Bye Holly x
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