Creativity- Writing and a Short Story

This is a short story I wrote for my Higher English portfolio, I wanted to publish it here as a part of my Creativity series. Writing has always been a large part of my life ever since I was a little girl. I loved books and as soon as I was able to write have been writing stories. This is an example of something I have done recently that I really enjoyed and  hope you will too.
Thank you for reading, Holly xx

*Trigger Warning*

The Call

By Holly Martin

The call was never going to come, I had spent so long sitting in my office, at that ridiculous desk, in that ridiculous chair, waiting for the phone to ring. And it never did.

After the fourth hour passed I gave up, it was all over now and I had to face the truth. I stood up, stretched, straightening out the creases in my clothes. I walked across the room to my shelving unit and looked into the mirror there. A pale woman with grey eyes and long blonde hair scraped back into a bun, wearing a suit and make up (completely normal office attire for where I worked) looked back but her face was so blank and expressionless I didn't even recognize it.

With a small, barely even noticeable sigh I turned away and looked out of the window.  Below me hundreds of people scurried around but appeared so small I couldn't see any individuality from them, they all appeared the same. Families, workers, children, drivers, even a few groups of tourists all going about their little, practically meaningless lives and not even stopping to notice the world around them. There was so much there - beauty and ugliness, love and hate, fear and hope. All happening at once, so many lives criss-crossing past each other but still not touching. Just carrying on as usual. I then looked out into the distance and could see the snow topped mountains and the dark churning ocean which surrounded the enormous city. Even though there was a whole sprawling metropolis between us I could still admire the beauty from where I stood, looking out of my boring office window.

 I turned away then and looked back around the dull room, which I had spent so much of my time in over the past few years and it still meant very little to me. I saw all these past moments of meetings and visits and endless hours of mind numbing work flash before me. For what?  Surely there must have been some sort of purpose or reason, but now as I looked at it, I could think of nothing.

 I took one final look around and walked out into the dimly lit, boring cream coloured hallway and into the lift without paying much attention to anything. I barely noticed as I pressed the button and it began to climb from the 15th floor higher and higher and at last reached its stop. I walked out of the list hearing the doors ping shut behind me and was faced with the door. That one door that was the thing that stood out to me most. It seemed so pointless having a big long hallway like that and only one little door at the end of it. Standing there painted a bright crimson red, seeming as if it was there just for me, just for this moment, the colour being not very subtle at all. I left where I had been standing and approached the door, stopping for a second to reach my key card out of my pocket to unlock it seeing my photo look back up at me. I was so young then, everything was so different.  I again stopped and inhaled deeply before stepping through and arriving onto the rooftop of the building. The birds all skittered away in fright with the door opening, something I assumed happened very rarely, and I was left alone, again. ‘It’s strange how in a city this big, with so many people in it, just how many of them are alone" I thought to myself as I took my time and crossed the roof to the edge. I reached it and looked out over everything which was visible to me at the moment and felt absolutely nothing. There wasn't any meaning any-more for me, just emptiness.

 I slowly removed my jacket and undid my shoes before releasing my hair and allowing it to swish down around my shoulders, something which had been a rarity for the past few years. I took the objects out of my pockets and laid them on the ground, phone, keys, pen, lipstick etc. All except for one. I stepped onto the wall and holding the wallet, before looking down at the photo in my wallet and taking it out, dropping the wallet onto the ground behind me. Then for the first time in a long time I allowed myself to remember everything that had happened since it was taken, all of it which had led to this moment. Then seeing my vision blur as tears filled my eyes and clutching the photo tightly in my hand I stepped off.

As I fell time seemed to slow down and then, just as I  seemed to have passed by the fifteenth floor and my office, I swear I heard the phone ring.


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