Note- It has taken me a very long time to decide whether I
wanted to post this or not as it is a serious issue and affects me a lot in my
day to day life. So please be open-minded whilst reading. Thank You.
As I wrote this a while ago, I had completely forgotten
about it, but after a particular anxiety filled day which involved me having a
panic attack at an audition in front of two complete strangers, I was reminded
about it and decided that if anyone else was going through similar things then
maybe I could use this as a little way of helping them. :)
As someone who has lived with anxiety for almost as long as
I can remember, I know what a difficult thing it is to deal with. So because of
this I thought I would write some advice/helpful tips for people who also
suffer from it or just want to know more about what it is. If you have anxiety
and aren't receiving any help please ask for some, there are lots of ways to
get help and you can improve how you’re feeling a lot just by sharing it with
Definition of Anxiety Disorder (from WordNet)-
A cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which
severe anxiety is a salient symptom.
Everyone at some-point will feel anxious about something
whether it's an exam or going somewhere new or meeting new people, it could be
anything. But in some cases it’s more than just a small thing and can be more
difficult to deal with in everyday life. There are many different forms of
anxiety disorders including - Panic
Disorder, O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder), Social Anxiety Disorder, Phobias and G.A.D (Generalized
Anxiety Disorder).
Here is a link that will hopefully be able to give you more
information on the disorders and what they are like.
Ideas for when you’re feeling anxious-
Read your favourite books
Watch your favourite films
Watch funny videos on YouTube
Go outside and get some air
Get a notebook and write whatever you want and as much as
you want
Google baby ducks
Listen to your Favorited bands
Think about all the good things in life and what you want to
do with your life
Talk to someone, you can talk to me, honestly feel free to
Go on Tumblr/we heart it
Do something creative - draw, paint, bake, write etc.
Make a blog post
Meditate - theirs a link below for this I’ll mark it with some
I know sometimes you won’t be in a situation where you can
do these things like if you’re in public or at work/school. So get out of
wherever you are even if the only place you can go is the toilet and just
If you are at school talk to a guidance teacher, that's what
they're there for and their usually pretty good with these things
Find one of your friends and just sit with them for a few
Call a friend/parent/guardian whoever you feel comfortable
talking to and just talk to them until you have calmed down (this helps me a
lot, as does the next tip)
Remember that a panic attack shouldn't last any longer than
twenty minutes and you can get through it.
Helpful Links-
If you just need to stop and relax for a few minutes to
relax, calm down and get some peace I find these helpful places to go to- - a place
where you can type whatever you want to get out and watch it just disappear it
sounds a bit strange but I find it to be really helpful
- a quiet place -
a place where you can go to get and give comfort, everyone is so supportive and
it’s a really good website - guided meditation*** - a website which generates white
noise - literally what it
says on the tin
Links to help keep you distracted-
- A guide to making a comfort box. *a comfort box is a box that you fill with
things that may help you relax or calm you
- a list of distractions/coping skills
- a helpful list for things to do when you feel certain ways
If you have self-harmed-
- shows you how to treat self-harm injuries/conceal/hide them
Links to cheer you up - generates random happy
stories for when you’re feeling down -
generates random compliments - generates random
videos of cuteness
I hope these help you if you have any
links/advice/tips/stories/questions etc... That you would like to share please
feel free to post them in the comments.
Thank you for reading
Holly xx
P.S. I apologize for my shocking use of grammar in this
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